
Our membership form and PayPal link are not up and running yet but you can find our membership form in our newsletter. You can mail your membership check to: The SVNA, POB 4047, San Rafael, CA 94913-4047 or if you prefer using PayPal, you can “send money” to And if you are a new member, please be sure to let us know your mailing address so we can send you the newsletter. Thank you!


We are a Neighborhood Association and we work towards the betterment of our neighborhood. Pay your annual dues to support the events, projects, committees, meetings, and communications that make and keep our neighborhood a great place to live. And it’s not just about the money, the more members we have, the more power we have to stand up for Santa Venetia and be heard, when need be.

Support your neighborhood – Support the SVNA!

Please click on the image below and print completed membership form to mail in with your payment or use our online PayPal link.