
Mission Statement
To preserve and promote the quality of life in the Santa Venetia community. This is achieved through encouraging healthy social interaction; facilitating the flow of information; and protecting the natural beauty and economic well-being of the community.

We have a very active (volunteer) board as well as many active members. These volunteers keep an eye on the “happenings” in our neighborhood as well as interact with, and keep the lines of communication open with, the County (Planning, Public Works, etc.) and our Supervisor, Mary Sackett.

President: Gina Hagen, bigmouthvox at yahoo.com
Vice-President: Gary Robards, gary.robards at gmail.com
Treasurer: Linda Levey, linda at santavenetia.org
Past President: Mark Wallace, mark.t.wallace at gmail.com
Board Member Emerita: Nanni Wurl, 415-472-3269
Director: Dennis Bortoli, DenSV at aol.com
Director: John Denigris, jdenigris at sbcglobal.net
Director: Roderick Castro, roderick.castro at gmail.com

To view SVNA & Member Event Photos, visit: https://tinyurl.com/SVNAPhotos