
Dear Friends – Our website is currently under Re-Construction. We are updating as quickly as we can. Thank you for your patience.

Santa Venetia is a neighborhood of over 1,600 homes and is one of Marin’s best kept secrets with fantastic weather, natural beauty, quiet streets and a great community of people.

The Santa Venetia Neighborhood Association (SVNA) strives to preserve and promote the quality of life for the Santa Venetia community. This is achieved through encouraging healthy social interaction; facilitating the flow of information; and protecting the natural beauty and economic well-being of the community.

We invite you to join the SVNA! Support your community, meet your neighbors and help us to continue to protect and enhance the natural and economic stability of this wonderful community.

Tuesday or Wednesday, March 25 or 26, 2025 = TBD
Bucks Landing Update & Feedback: Join your neighbors as we welcome Craig Richardson, Senior Planner for Marin County Parks. He will let us know their ongoing plans for this great neighborhood asset and is interested in hearing our feedback. Please hold the dates (we will update when we have a firm date, time, and place) and mark your calendars to join us.
Most meetings include Working Committee presentations regarding Membership, our Watershed, Neighborhood Beautification, Social Activities, Traffic, Parks, and more… as time allows.


Saturday, April 12, 10am at Castro Park (Rain Date: Saturday, April 19, 10am – if it rains on April 12)
29th Annual SVNA Easter Egg Hunt – Plans are in the Works!
Our Annual Easter Egg Hunt was cancelled for the last two years. But we are hoping — with the help of our new SVNA Social Activities Committee Chair Laura Alexander — to bring this event back this year, once again delighting the children of the community. See our next newsletter, or check back here, for updated information.
To make this event happen, volunteers are needed! If you can help, please contact Laura, rosie.alexander@comcast.net


To RSVP to be added to the list for meeting invites, and our Zoom meeting links (when applicable), email SVNA@santavenetia.org.

To listen to past meetings or view available presentations, visit: https://tinyurl.com/SVNAMeetings